Ten major media outlets are making one demand that has Joe Biden feeling betrayed

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

Democrats’ media allies have been running cover for Joe Biden and his family long before he was President just as they have every Democrat.

And since he took office they’ve gone out of their way to ignore all of his gaffes and rampant corruption.

But now ten major media outlets are making one demand that has Joe Biden feeling betrayed.

“Tens of millions” voted before any debate in 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic changed everything about the 2020 Presidential election. 

People were driven to the polls for early voting in the beginning of August, there were only two debates, and then-candidate Joe Biden barely left his basement throughout the campaign. 

This time around, the Trump campaign is hoping to pressure Biden into more debates, and they want them soon. 

“Voting is beginning earlier and earlier, and as we saw in 2020, tens of millions of Americans had already voted by the time of the first debate,” Chris LaCivita wrote in a letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates. 

LaCivita, a campaign adviser to Trump, would like to see “more” debates this time, and he wants them done “much earlier.”

Trump has been publicly calling on Biden to debate at multiple rallies recently. 

On April 13, he appeared at a Pennsylvania rally with an empty podium. 

“I’m calling on Crooked Joe Biden to debate – anytime, anywhere, any place,” Trump said.

Media outlets join forces to call on Biden to debate

Biden has been skirting the issue saying he doesn’t believe that he will be given a “fair” debate, and that Trump’s “behavior” might be out of line. 

Democrats’ media allies mostly supported his efforts to hide away from the American public, but 2024 is looking different.

Fox News along with ten other major media outlets are calling on Biden to fulfill his obligation to the American people. 

The media outlets joined forces in a scathing letter that focuses on the “rich tradition” of American elections.

“With the contours of the 2024 general election now coming into clear focus, we. . .urge the presumptive presidential nominees to publicly commit to participating in general election debates before November’s election,” the letter said.

Both Trump and Biden went through the primary season without debating a single opponent. 

Now, it seems that no one is going to let that happen again this fall.

“The stakes are exceptionally high”

The first televised presidential debate took place in 1960 when former President John F. Kennedy and former President Richard Nixon went head-to-head in front of the entire country. 

The media outlets made it clear in their letter that they want to see this tradition carry on in 2024 and beyond. 

Every election season “tens of millions have tuned in to watch the candidates debating side by side, in a competition of ideas for the votes of American citizens,” they wrote. 

“If there is one thing Americans can agree on during this polarized time, it is that the stakes of this election are exceptionally high,” the letter said. 

Continuing they said that there is “simply no substitute for the candidates debating with each other, and before the American people, their visions for the future of our nation.” 

It looks like Trump is going to get his wish, and soon Biden won’t be able to ignore the calls to debate.

US Political Daily will keep you updated on any developments to this ongoing story.