No one is talking about the most terrifying aspect of the ruling class elites’ latest assault on the Bill of Rights

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Freedom-loving Americans from all walks of life were left outraged after the U.S. voted recently to extend one of their most unconstitutional and unconscionable schemes imaginable. 

But it just got much worse.

And that’s because no one is talking about the most terrifying aspect of the ruling class elites’ latest assault on the Bill of Rights.

“Back-door searches” have become the norm

Since the 2008 passage of the  Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), the federal government has been allowed free reign to carry out unconstitutional, warrantless search and seizures against working class Americans without any oversight or regard for the God-given, natural rights enshrined in the Constitution.

Despite the ruling class elites’ claims that certain “rules” prohibit the use of the law against Americans, there is simply no way to avoid it without eliminating FISA entirely.

The Brennan Center for Justice says that “the FBI conducted 200,000 of these ‘back-door searches’ in 2022 alone.”

“Alarmingly, FBI agents have searched for the communications of tens of thousands of Americans engaged in ‘civil unrest’. . .[including] members of Congress, journalists, and more than 19,000 donors to a congressional campaign,” they wrote.

Now, freedom-loving Americans are up-in-arms over the U.S. House’s move to reauthorize the program.

Companies like AT&T and Verizon happily violate your rights

Conservative Members of Congress are castigating their establishment colleagues over the refusal to amend the program to require warrants for all searches that impact American citizens in any way. 

But Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), one of the few Democrats who has long stood with conservatives like Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) against the Deep State’s assault on the Fourth Amendment, says that there is a much greater threat baked into the latest bill to renew FISA. 

Wyden warned that the bill gives the government more power than it has ever had.

“This bill represents one of the most dramatic and terrifying expansions of government surveillance authority in history,” he wrote in a post on X.

The way the law was previously written required any company considered to be an “electronic communications service provider” to give direct access to the National Security Agency (NSA) to their records. 

Companies like AT&T, Google, and Verizon effectively became a dragnet to be used against the American people. 

The latest revisions could now force every small business in America to be weaponized against the American people.

Small businesses are now a tool for the ruling class’ assault on liberty

An amendment to FISA, which was snuck in while people debated the merits of the law, would turn every electronic record holder into a government surveillance node. 

The co-director of the Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center, Elizabeth Goitein, is sounding the alarm.

“Through a seemingly innocuous change to the definition of ‘electronic communications surveillance provider,’ an amendment offered by House intel committee (HPSCI) leaders and passed by the House vastly expands the universe of entities can be compelled to assist the NSA,” she wrote.

Goitein explained that any business that possesses “equipment on which communications are transmitted or stored” falls under the new definition. 

In today’s world, it is impossible to find a business that doesn’t have servers or wireless routers. 

That effectively makes every business in America, regardless of its size, a tool for the ruling class elites’ assault on working class Americans’ liberty.

Wyden and Goitein both vow to stop this infringement on the 4th Amendment of the Constitution. 

But it might be too late.

US Political Daily will keep you updated on any developments to this ongoing story.