Louisiana’s Governor is itching for a fight over this controversial law involving the Ten Commandments

Office of Representative Governor Jeff Landry, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The Ten Commandments have long been at the center of the fight over the separation of church and state.

But it’s not often that such fights leave even many Christians conflicted.

And now Louisiana’s Governor is itching for a fight over this controversial law involving the Ten Commandments.

“Can’t wait to be sued”

Louisiana Republican Governor Jeff Landry recently signed a controversial bill into law that requires public schools and colleges in the state to post the Ten Commandments in classrooms.

Prior to its signing, Landry gave a keynote speech at a Tennessee GOP fundraiser in which he praised the bill as being a victory amidst the nation’s culture wars.

Before the bill was signed, he said, “I’m going home to sign a bill that places the Ten Commandments in public classrooms. And I can’t wait to be sued.”

Landry served as the state’s Attorney General before being elected Governor.

Louisiana is now the only state mandating that all government-controlled schools and universities display the Ten Commandments in every classroom.

However, there’s a strong chance that the new law will face some challenges in court.

House Bill 71 was passed after several free speech groups said it was unconstitutional, citing a violation of the separation of church and state.

A nonprofit called The Center for Inquiry opposes religious influences on public property and sent a letter to Landry dated June 14, calling the bill “unlawful.”

The group’s director, Azhar Majeed, wrote, “It is meant to impose Christianity on all students in Louisiana’s public schools, even if they belong to a minority religion or no religion at all.”

Other critics claim that the law violates the First Amendment, which prohibits government from “establishing” any religion.

The U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Kentucky law requiring the same in 1980, and now, groups supporting the separation of church and state say the Louisiana law is also unconstitutional.

Even some religious leaders have spoken out in opposition to the law, with over 100 Christian pastors and church members signing a petition asking Landry to veto the bill.

Those who signed the petition say families and faith groups should be the ones in charge of religious education – not government. 

Others argue for the new law

While HB 71 has faced some opposition, others support the new law, including state Rep. Dodie Horton (R-Haughton).

Horton said the law is constitutional and pointed to a US Supreme Court decision from 2022 that upheld a public school football coach’s right to pray on the field.

According to Horton, the bill isn’t designed to indoctrinate children, but rather to give them “guidelines.”

“It doesn’t preach a certain religion, but it does teach a standard,” she said.

Now that the bill has been signed into law, Louisiana’s government schools have until January 1 to post the Ten Commandments in classrooms — the displays must measure at least 11 by 14 inches with “large, easily readable font.”

US Political Daily will keep you updated on any developments to this ongoing story.