Joe Biden just ripped off this Donald Trump campaign tactic in a desperate bid to connect with working class voters

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

With just over six months remaining before November’s Presidential election Joe Biden is starting to get desperate to change the narrative around his seemingly sinking campaign.

So desperate in fact he is apparently resorting to being a copycat.

And Joe Biden just ripped off this Donald Trump campaign tactic in a desperate bid to connect with working class voters.

Millions of Americans were left scratching their heads as President Joe Biden attempted to emulate a move that former President Donald Trump has repeatedly pulled.

In a bid to connect with voters in battleground states, Biden stepped into a Sheetz store in Moon Township, Pennsylvania, hoping to replicate Trump’s success at Chick-fil-A. 

However, unlike the enthusiastic reception Trump received, Biden’s visit left many feeling underwhelmed.

Many took to social media to express that the move that was “magic” when Trump did it fell a little flat when Biden copied it. 

The contrast between Biden’s subdued reception and Trump’s lively engagement was stark. 

While Trump mingled with customers, signed autographs, and even hugged supporters during his Chick-fil-A visit, Biden’s interaction seemed more formal and less spontaneous.

People seemed to agree that where Trump brought infectious energy, Biden’s appearance felt stiff and staged. 

Despite attempts to drum up excitement, including a statement from Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) proclaiming Biden’s victory, the enthusiasm just wasn’t there for the Democrat President.

Even with all the hype, Biden’s Sheetz run couldn’t match the excitement of Trump’s Chick-fil-A visit.

While Biden may have tried to capture Trump’s populist appeal, some critics argue that his efforts fell short.

Biden seems to be grasping at straws to win over voters, hoping he can simply mirror Trump’s tactics to propel his campaign forward.

As Biden embarks on a three-day swing through Pennsylvania, his attempts to court working-class voters with promises to protect American steel and increased tariffs on Communist Chinese imports aren’t enough to overcome the issues he has with connecting with working class voters, as his lackluster performance at Sheetz proved.

Voters want authenticity, not imitation. 

But after spending nearly half a century in Washington, D.C., Biden has lost all touch with the reality working class Americans experience on a daily basis, and is now left with no other recourse but to mimic what he believes are effective ways to connect with voters.

As the 2024 election looms, Joe Biden may need to rethink his strategy if he hopes to win over working class voters who remain skeptical of his fitness for office.

US Political Daily will keep you updated on any developments to this ongoing story.