After 36 years at SeaWorld this mime was fired for one reason that will make your blood boil, Tim Ross, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

SeaWorld is undoubtedly one of the most evil corporations on Earth.

It continues to get away with one travesty after another.

And now after 36 years at SeaWorld this mime was fired for one reason that will make your blood boil.

SeaWorld mime suddenly fired after 36 years 

Lynn Frey, also known professionally as “Lynn the Mime,” has been an institution at SeaWorld in Orlando for 36 years.

The professional mime performed around the park and before animal exhibits, where he eventually became a viral hit. 

But Frey was fired recently and told that he was no longer allowed on SeaWorld property after a security guard reported a supposed issue to human resources.

In a post on TikTok, Frey said, “I am no longer at SeaWorld, it was not my decision it was theirs,” adding that it took him a month and a half to share the news.

Frey said he wanted to make sure all of his “duckies were in a row” before telling his fans, and the video has now been viewed almost 3 million times.

“I will tell the story, now this is my side of the story, but this is exactly what happened to me,” he said.

Frey says he drove into the park with his bike hanging off the rack on his car, which he has done “every day” since he started working there.

Once he parked his car, he rode his bike past the security checkpoint and said hello to several guards he saw every day, chatting with them as usual.

He said a man shouted, “Hey come here!” as he rode past, so he went over and was told he was not allowed to ride his bike on SeaWorld property.

Frey said the guard had “sergeant bars” on his uniform, and told him he had been riding his bike “in and out of this park for years.”

However, the guard was angry with Frey and continued to push the issue, saying, “You’re not allowed to ride your bike.”

The guard pushed back after Frey tried to get clarification, angrily repeating, “You’re not allowed.”

The mime has over 82,700 followers on TikTok, and he noted that there was no rule in the SeaWorld employee handbook stating he couldn’t ride his bike on the path.

Frey was fired shortly after

According to Frey, the security guard told him to park his bike at a rack which meant he wouldn’t be allowed to ride it anymore.

But Frey feels that just telling someone they are not allowed “is not an answer,” and he wanted to see paperwork showing the rule, but “there is nothing.”

After walking away and mumbling, “Oh, give some guy some sergeant bars and it goes to his head,” the guard went to HR and said the mime cussed at him and threw his bike.

The guard made it clear he planned to have him fired, and Frey got a phone call from his boss days later, who is the owner of the company contracted to hire mimes for SeaWorld. 

“SeaWorld never let me say my side of the story, they just judge, jury, and executioner that quick. And 36 years at SeaWorld, that evidently means nothing to them,” he said.

US Political Daily will keep you updated on any developments to this ongoing story.