Hollywood isn’t known for having the smartest people.
But this level of stupidity is one that is just down right despicable.
And George Clooney made one claim about the Joe Biden coup that will make you throw up in your mouth.
Who made Hollywood elites political experts?
One of the biggest factors leading to the degradation of our society is the fact that so many people see Hollywood actors and actresses as the gatekeepers of truth and knowledge.
So many people see an actor play a doctor on television and believe they have some level of credibility when it comes to their medical decisions.
And this false sense of knowledge through role playing has given actors and actresses a platform to convince useful idiots to believe the dumbest political positions imaginable.
It isn’t a coincidence that Democrats cling to actors at functions and for ads.
They understand that Hollywood is very good at manipulating the masses.
But of all the nonsense that comes from Hollywood, this takes the icing on the cake as the dumbest take in human history.
It might seem like a political lifetime ago, but we witnessed something this election cycle that we never have before in American politics.
The sitting President of the United States was forced by his own party to end his re-election bid.
When Biden’s significant physical and cognitive decline could no longer be denied, Democrats used every mechanism in their control to force Biden out of the race.
Fundraising, polls, and the like were all going in the wrong direction thanks to the increased pressure put on Biden by Democrats.
And he was finally forced to quit the ticket after all options of continuing on were restricted by Democrats.
Actor George Clooney sees Biden’s coup off the Democrat Presidential ticket as an example of great selflessness by Biden.
Clooney: Joe Biden is George Washington
You can’t make this stuff up.
During the Venice Film Festival over the weekend, Clooney was asked about an op-ed he wrote for the New York Times to encourage Biden to drop out of the Presidential race.
More specifically, he was asked if he thought it impacted Biden’s decision.
Clooney smirked and responded, “The person who should be applauded is the president who did the most selfless thing that anyone has done since George Washington, and that’s true. So, all the machinations that got us there, none of that’s going to be remembered. And it shouldn’t be.”
As Brad Pitt clapped along in approval, Clooney continued by saying, “What should be remembered is the selfless act of someone who, you know, it’s very hard to let go of power, we know that, we’ve seen that all around the world. For someone to say I think there’s a better way forward, all the credit goes to him. And that’s really the truth and all the rest will be long gone and forgotten. And so I’m just very proud of where we are in the state of the world right now. And I think we’re all very excited for the future.”
That is a new level of political idiocy and idolatry that we haven’t seen this election cycle.
US Political Daily will keep you updated on any development to this ongoing story.