Elon Musk’s SpaceX has Verizon and AT&T in a panic after announcing one move that will revolutionize the cell phone industry

Official SpaceX Photos, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Under Elon Musk’s direction SpaceX has produced countless innovations from reusable rockets to the manufacturing of the most efficient rocket engines in the world.

That has eliminated the government gatekeepers who once exclusively controlled access to space, creating tremendous opportunities that could greatly benefit the working class.

And now Elon Musk’s SpaceX has Verizon and AT&T in a panic after announcing one move that will revolutionize the cell phone industry.

Starlink has now deployed over half of their growing constellation

In May 2019, Elon Musk’s SpaceX launched the first batch of its Starlink satellites into low Earth orbit.

The first 60 satellites were launched to begin building what the company calls a “constellation.”

As of last month, Musk and his team have now launched over 6,000 Starlink satellites into low Earth orbit, bringing the company halfway to its goal of 12,000.

The purpose of Starlink’s constellations is to provide low-cost broadband internet connection to people all over the world. 

And to date, it’s been yet another smashing success for the company, with the service already servicing customers in more than 75 countries – many of which did not have access to such broadband capabilities prior to Starlink – serving approximately 3 million subscribers, and most importantly for Musk and his team, generating billions in annual revenue that will be reinvested into the company’s “Occupy Mars” mission.

The service requires the one-time purchase of a receiver for homes, recreational vehicles, and boats, and unlike traditional internet providers, Starlink’s monthly service rates are continuously being lowered for customers around the world as SpaceX launches more and more constellations into orbit – for example, in the Netherlands, the cost of Starlink service began at around $135 per month at its inception in 2022, but as of last month, is now just $54 per month.

The company promises connection in the harshest circumstances, and has even donated thousands in the wake of natural disasters, as well as conflicts like Israel’s ongoing efforts to defend itself from the Palestinian terrorist organization known as Hamas.

Now, SpaceX has just revealed a new plan that promises to change the way people use their phones.

American consumers already have Starlink capable devices in hand

SpaceX recently announced an expansion of features to their Starlink constellation. 

Direct-to-cellular service will begin to supplement cell phone coverage in the United States and beyond. 

That is, if the Biden Federal Communications Commission allows the company to move forward with their plan despite the fact that it’s owned by one of Democrats’ biggest enemies in Musk.

The service is expected to provide data, voice, and text message services to unmodified phones that are already available. 

Select Google Pixel, Apple iPhone, and Samsung Galaxy devices already come equipped with the necessary frequency bands required for the connection.

SpaceX released a video showing the testing of the first Starlink video call on May 21. 

In a post on X, they also announced their first partnership with a mobile network, T-Mobile.

In their letter to the FCC requesting approval for the new service, SpaceX wrote that testing has been a “massive success, meeting or exceeding testing objectives.

The devices in their test managed to receive download speeds of 17Mbps.

T-Mobile plans to bring more countries online

SpaceX plans to give T-Mobile customers the first go at the hybrid satellite-cellular service in the fall when they should receive the green light from unelected government regulators. 

But AT&T, Verizon, and Dish Network are lobbying the FCC to block the plan, claiming that the radio frequency that Starlink utilizes could somehow interfere with their signal. 

But their efforts to stop the deployment of the direct-to-cellular service aren’t expected to succeed.

T-Mobile is all-in on the plan, and they’ve already announced that they have plans to move beyond the United States market within the next few years.

“The goal is to give customers messaging coverage practically everywhere in the United States and expand voice and data in the coming years. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer to launch,” they said.

This new service promises to fill in dead spots across the country and will be received by open arms. 

US Political Daily will keep you updated on any developments to this ongoing story.