CNN’s three viewers nearly fainted when James Carville made up this disgusting claim about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0,, via Wikimedia Commons

Democrats claim to be the party of “inclusion” and “joy.”

But they’ll happily destroy anyone who dares disagree with them on any aspect of their radical agenda.

And now CNN’s three viewers nearly fainted when James Carville made up this disgusting claim about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Democrats show no mercy

In American politics, virtually anyone who dares disagree with Democrats’ radical agenda loud enough is immediately exiled from the so-called “mainstream,” and targeted for total character assassination.

Democrats aren’t interested in “bipartisanship” or civil debate, as they claim – they want total power and control by any means necessary.

Just look at how Democrats have reacted ever since Robert F. Kennedy Jr. left the Democrat Party.

Democrats have weaponized every supposedly “democratic institution” they can, and turned their guns directly at Trump and his supporters.

Just a decade ago, no one could have foreseen the onslaught of state-sponsored persecution Trump is currently going through.

But Trump hit a nerve for Democrats. 

Before he sought the Oval Office in 2015, Democrats loved Trump, and constantly begged him for campaign contributions.

And Democrats can’t stand Republicans, but they really hate former Democrats who jump teams. 

So now every Democrat District Attorney and Attorney General in the nation wants a piece of Trump in court. 

And it wouldn’t shock anyone if Trump, a former President and current Presidential candidate, would end up behind bars in the near future. 

But now Democrats have a new enemy of the party in Robert Kennedy Jr. 

Kennedy is Democrat’s enemy number one

For decades Kennedy was the poster child for the green movement of the Democrat Party.

You name the issue about the environment or personal health, and Kennedy was leading the charge for Democrats – as long as he wasn’t talking about vaccines, of course. 

But recently, Kennedy has realized the Democrat Party of his father and uncle is long gone.

He has witnessed his Party become the very thing they were meant to fight. 

Kennedy’s advocacy work has transformed into one for the common man and against corporations. 

And after running for President as an Independent candidate, Kennedy has realized that he will not be able to defeat Democrats on his own. 

So he shocked the political world late last week when he fully endorsed Trump for President. 

And since then, Democrats have been viciously attacking Kennedy whenever they get the chance. 

Legendary Democrat strategist James Carville went all-in on Monday, while on CNN’s Out Front, to attack Kennedy. 

Carville tried to paint Kennedy as crazy and told the audience that RFK has “a parasitic brain-eating worm in his head and the worm died of starvation.”

“So I just think that we ought to give him, like a lot of leeway because I think he’s – he’s a bit eccentric,” he continued..

“I really feel sorry for the Kennedy family because I will remind them, you can pick your friends, you can’t pick your relatives,” he added. “And if Bobby Kennedy lived in a more humane country, they would have him in a nice rubber room and you know, three hots and a cot and take care of this guy.”

Kennedy is learning the hard way what happens when you turn your back on the Democrat establishment for the betterment of the American people. 

US Political Daily will keep you updated on any developments to this ongoing story.