Amazon Prime is bringing back this propaganda piece disguised as an award-winning documentary

Amazon founder and Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos has largely flown under the radar when it comes to the role he plays in advancing the elites’ woke extremist agenda around the world.

While George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Larry Fink and others make all the headlines, the Amazon founder is busy indoctrinating billions around the world.

And now Bezos’ Amazon Prime is bringing back this propaganda piece that disguised itself as an award-winning documentary. 

Amazon Prime is pushing an inconveniently debunked climate narrative 

When conservative documentarians, like Dinesh D’Souza, release a documentary, Democrats’ media allies ignore all the facts and label it so-called “misinformation.”

Meanwhile, radical left-wing documentarians, like Michael Moore, can release outright propaganda films filled with all sorts of verifiable lies, distortions, and mischaracterizations, only to be showered in praise, awards, and honors for their so-called “documentary.”

That’s exactly what happened with former Vice President Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth

And now, just in time for the 2024 election, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is bringing all sorts of environmental-extremist propaganda films to Amazon Prime. 

Prime subscribers will now be able to rewatch Gore’s 2006 film, and others, that have scared a generation into believing the world would end in a matter of years due to climate change – even though all of the timelines environmental extremists have put forward for the demise of life on Earth at the hands of climate change have all passed without anything actually happening.

In fact, both An Inconvenient Truth and its 2017 money-grab follow-up, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, re-debuted on the streaming platform on August 1. 

So the timing seems right to now take another look at the climate-alarmist flick and reexamine all the things Gore and his fellow environmental extremists continue to get wrong. 

Fact-checking Al Gore

There are so many debunked claims, factual errors, blatant inaccuracies and disproven predictions in Gore’s fear-mongering fictional film it’s difficult to pick where to begin. 

Global sea level could rise as much as 20 feet “in the near future.”

Not sure what Gore meant by “near future,” but it’s been 18 years, and this prediction gets a fact-check: wrong. 

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), between 1993-2021, the sea level has only increased 3.8 inches. 

That’s a far cry from 20-feet. 

In fact, NOAA said the global sea level has risen 8-9 inches since 1880 – so it would take another 1,136 years for Gore’s predicted Water World to take shape.

Is 1,136 years the “near future” for Gore? 

Moving on, images in the movie predicted Florida would be completely engulfed in water. 

Almost two decades later, much to the chagrin of Kamala Harris, the Sunshine State is stronger than ever while being led by Governor Ron DeSantis. 

Even National Snow and Ice Data Center scientist Ted Scambos, who is a fan of Gore’s and an apologist for the movie, admitted the prediction was just to “shock” the audience into action. 

“This will take centuries, and again, the model used was the most pessimistic,” Scambos said in an interview with How Stuff Works. 

The movie also made the claim that “within a decade, there will be no more snow on Kilimanjaro.”

It’s been nearly two decades, and Kilimanjaro still has plenty of snow and ice caps of at least 40 meters thick, PolitiFact begrudgingly admitted in 2022. 

And of course, there are the polar bears. 

Gore used imagery of polar bears drowning and starving to death due to climate change to frighten young children into action. 

But don’t fret – the polar bears are just fine. 

Dr. Susan Crockford is a zoologist and adjunct professor at the University of Victoria, who wrote “The State of the Polar Bear Report” in 2017. 

“Although starving bear videos and scientifically insignificant research papers still make the news, they don’t alter the facts,” Crockford wrote. “Polar bears are thriving, making them phony icons, and false idols for global warming alarmists.”

In total, Real Clear Energy found in a report that 32 climate crisis predictions – many of which were started or inspired by An Inconvenient Truth – have been proven false. 

But you can still watch all of the wrong predictions on Amazon Prime.

US Political Daily will keep you updated on any developments to this ongoing story.