All hell broke loose when this 75-year-old, steak-knife-wielding man lept into action to defend his wife’s honor

Tech. Sgt. Matt Hecht, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Back in the day someone could cause an uproar and the only people who would remember were the people who were there to see it or heard about it through the grapevine.

But now the internet immortalizes anything that can be captured on a phone and uploaded to social media.

And all hell broke loose when this 75-year-old, steak-knife-wielding man lept into action to defend his wife’s honor.

The Internet is forever 

During the 2020 COVID pandemic, the ruling class elites shut down schools, businesses, churches, and virtually every other aspect of human life with the snap of a finger. 

These petty tyrants forced millions to stay inside, severely affecting their mental health.

Although lockdowns have long since ended, many people have seemingly been unable to reintegrate with a civil society. 

Every day now, insane videos of people fighting in locations such as restaurants and airports go viral, proving that some people do not know how to act around others. 

For example, last Thursday, footage went viral of a wild brawl breaking out at the upscale David Burke’s Red Horse restaurant in Rumson, New Jersey.

According to the police, a man spilled wine on the wife of 75-year-old David Gulley – whether or not it was an accident or intentional apparently remains unclear. 

Regardless, Gulley then lunged at the man while holding a steak knife, forcing bystanders to take action. 

In the mayhem, Gulley also punched the restaurant’s manager after he attempted to break up the brawl. 

Police officers then arrested Gulley with aggravated assault, possession of a weapon, terroristic threats, and disorderly conduct.

The victim of the fight only suffered minor injuries to his hand and refused medical care. 

Another diner managed to capture the scene on his cell phone before uploading it to the internet. 

The footage has since spread like wildfire with millions of social media users watching and sharing the clip.

This incident highlights the uptick in violence following the devastating lockdowns, as well as the debilitating effect that alcohol can have on many people. 

A disturbing trend across the nation 

Vicious attacks and fights have become common in airports, schools, restaurants, and offices across the world. 

Due to the rise of social media, and the proliferation of cell phones, these fights often make their way to the internet, immortalizing these humiliating brawls. 

Not only do these brawls allow millions of people to watch individuals acting up, but it allows law enforcement officers to get a better idea of exactly what happened. 

Police body cam footage has also allowed footage of arrests across the nation to go viral, as many localities release body cam footage with a simple request. 

More cameras exist than ever before, meaning that people should think twice before acting up. 

US Political Daily will keep you updated on any developments to this ongoing story.